Podcast Content

Elevating our Urban Youth with Jazmine Hall & Dalila Gamper

Today’s podcast episode features two fabulous ladies who help run local nonprofit, Elevate Phoenix: Dalila A Gamper and Jazmine Hall. Dalila started as a teacher with Elevate back in 2009 and is now the Executive Director and Jazmine started as a student of Elevate’s while in High School and is now Development Director! Candelaria Design has been involved the past few years as a mentor and has attended and sponsored some events since being introduced to Elevate through our client, PGA Pro, Tom Lehman.

Targeting individual students, Elevate Phoenix was founded in 2009 and provides curriculum and support to aid students at risk of dropping out of school. Across America’s hard-to-serve urban areas, public school students drop out of school in alarming numbers, and for those that do graduate, the road to post-secondary education is filled with obstacles. Too many of America’s high school students are underserved and, as a result, are underperforming. Part of the problem is a large majority of urban youth lack caring adults in their lives, leading directly to increased crime, gang, drug activity and other roadblocks to self-sufficiency.  

Elevate provides meaningful relationships, opportunities and experiences that shape students into the young adults we know they can become. The Elevate Phoenix model has proven effective in changing these trends and transforming the lives of our city’s youth.  It is our goal to change the outcome for our future leaders. They employ a holistic approach to meet each child’s needs, which means full-time salaried teacher-mentors, year-round programming, cross-age mentoring and a long-term relational approach in four areas: accredited classes, mentoring, reading & literacy, and graduation and post-secondary plans.

Elevate serves roughly 4500 students per year who achieve a 98% graduation rate with 100% of the students having post secondary plans. Join us in growing their programs across the entire Phoenix Union High School District, serving 17 urban title one schools and well over 20k+ students. Consider joining as a mentor or guest speaker, or donate and receive an Arizona tax credit up to $400 for single filers and $800 for married/joint filers.

Their mission and their success rate are absolutely amazing and we have been so grateful to see firsthand how together we can make a difference in these children's lives and in our community. 





